Microsoft Flightsimulator   augustus 2020

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Wat is wel/niet van de huidige addons nog bruikbaar in FS       

Ontwikkelaar Uk2000 Scenery geeft in een korte uitleg heel duidelijk uit waarom hun, en andere ontwikkelaars niet zomaar FSX/P3D addons kunnen updaten
 naar de op 18 augustus uitkomende ”Flightsimulator” van Microsoft. Hieronder leest u hun uitleg, Wij snappen het nu in ieder geval een stuk beter. (FS Visions)



MSFS2020 now has a release date of mid August!. This is far sooner than we would have thought, especially considering the SDK is not complete.

We don’t have any products ready yet, but we do hope to start porting some in the next month, providing there is enough SDK to do it.
Customers need to understand that MSFS2020 is not a simple sim change like P3D V4 to P3D V5, or even FS2004 to FSX. The move to MSFS2020
is more like Windows to Linux, it is totally different in every way. We’ve had some users say that their FSX scenery will work in MSFS2020,
absolutely it will NOT work. MSFS2020 uses a new model format, new AFD structures and a new terrain system, even the tools and workflow is different.

Because we now have to concentrate on MSFS2020 work, all other work including new airports, updates and minor bugs fixes will be on hold for t
the next few months. Sorry if you were looking forward to any new releases and remakes, they will still come, but will just be delayed by a few months


Orbx en Flight Simulator: officiële bevestiging   14 juli 2020

De nieuwe CEO (Anna) van ORBX heeft nu echt bevestigd dat ORBX zich op Microsoft Flight Simulator’ gaat storten. Je leest haar verklaring hieronder. Welcome on board ORBX!

 Hi all, 

Just by way of intro, I have been Orbx’s CEO since September 2019, and I am based in Australia. I have not actively participated in the forums so far,
limiting myself to reading the diverse and eclectic views of simmers and industry players, but the recent announcement of MS Flight Simulator launch
calls for a view on where Orbx sits in all this, so I am breaking the ice.

Firstly, at Orbx we are thrilled to see that the new MS Flight Simulator will launch in August. Like the rest of the community, we are very impressed
with what we have seen so far in Microsoft’s next gen of Flight Simulator. 

We’ve been waiting for some time for a date to lock down our product roadmap on this new platform. So this is it!

I am very happy to say that Orbx is producing content for FS, and are excited to be able to deliver our world class products on this new platform,
both through MS marketplace and our own channel, OrbxDirect. Our roadmap continues to include high quality content
for XP, P3D and Aerofly FS (when possible), and we will continue to support these platforms. We have some real gems in store, and of course
we continue to support our partners and industry friends – specifically this month through #FlyJuly.

Overall, we hope to see new users take up simming with the new FS as well as take our current simmers on a journey of discovery, with AAA content!

I am keeping this topic open for questions or clarifications. 

Looking forward to expanding our (collective) horizons!

Cheers, Anna